CV (English)
For a short CV see here
Alessandro Pinzani, Ph.D.
Alessandro Pinzani is professor for Ethics and Political Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (since 2004).
He studied philosophy in Florence (M.A.) and Tübingen (PhD). From 1997 to 2004 he was assistant professor and appointed teacher at the University of Tübingen, where he got his Habilitation in philosophy. He was Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, New York (2001-2002 with a Feodor-Lynen-Fellowship by the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation) and at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2010-2011 with a fellowship by Capes). He was visiting professor at the PUC-RS, Porto Alegre (2000 and 2001), at the University of Dresden (2013), at the Ruhr-University of Bochum (2016 and 2020/21), at the Czech Academy of Sciences (2019) and at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz (2019 and 2021/22). He was a member of the Counseling Committee for Philosophy at the CNPq (Brazilian National Research Counsel) between July 2019 and June 2022. At present he is Fellow Researcher of the CNPq (Level 1B) and affiliate professor at the DIRPOLIS of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, and head of the Centro de Investigações Kantianas (Florianopolis).
For a list of courses taught see here; for a list of papers and participation in events see here; for a complete list of publications see here.
September 2021 to present: Affiliate Professor at the Institute for Law and Political Sciences DIRPOLIS of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa
October 2021 to February 2022: Visiting Professor at the Karl-Franz University Graz
October 2020 to July 2021: Visiting Professor at the Ruhr University Bochum
July 2019 to present: Member of the Counselling Committee for Philosophy at the CNPq (Brazilian National Research Counsel)
January 2018 to present: Local coordinator at the UFSC of the EU H2020 MCSA RISE project “Kant in South America” (in cooperation with the universities of Catania, Italy; Lisbon, Portugal; Halle, Germany; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Minas Gerais, Brazil; the London School of Economics, UK; and the Conicet, Argentina)
March 2006 to present: Fellow-Researcher of CNPq
August 2007 to present: Coordinator of the Centro de Investigações Kantianas (Kantian Research Center) at the UFSC
January 2003 to present: Member of the Forschungsstelle für politische Philosophie of the University of Tübingen
January 2018 to March 2020: Co-editor of ethic@. An Online Journal for Practical Philosophy
September 2013 to August 2015: Coordinator of the research project “Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals as Guidance in a Morally and Legally Complex World” (in cooperation with prof. dr. Thomas Mertens, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands)
October 2010 to October 2014: Member of the Directory of the Brazilian Kant Society
October 2011 to September 2013: Director of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the UFSC
October 2011 to January 2013: Member of the Academic Senate of the UFSC
February to September 2011: Head of Department, Dept. of Philosophy, UFSC
January 2007 to December 2010: National Coordinator of the research group “Theories of Justice” (GT Teorias da Justiça) of the ANPOF (Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Philosophy)
August 2006 to January 2010: Coordinator of the research group on Ethics and Political Philosophy (NEFIPO) of the UFSC
August 2006 to July 2008 and July 2009 to December 2009: Member of the Ethics Committee for Research with Animals at the Federal University of Santa Catarina
January 2005 to December 2007: Main editor of the on-line journal ethic@. An International Journal for Moral Philosophy
Member of the following boards:
ethic@. An International Journal for Moral Philosophy (Brazil) (Editorial Board)
Estudos Kantianos (Brazil) (Editorial Board)
Internationale Marx-Engels-Stiftung (Scientific Board)
Series “Philosophy and Poverty” of Springer Editions (Scientific Board)
Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã (Brazil) (Scientific Board)
Dissonância – Revista de Teoria Crítica (Brazil) (Scientific Board)
Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía Política (Argentina) (Scientific Board)
Isegoria (Spain) (Scientific Board)
Con-Textos Kantianos (Spain) (Scientific Board)
Referee for the following institutions and journals:
CNPq (Brazil)
Capes (Brazil)
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Switzerland)
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (National Science Center – Poland)
Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung (Germany)
Volkswagen-Stiftung (Germany)
Fondecyt (Chile)
XI International Kant Congress (Pisa)
XII International Kant Congress (Vienna)
Kant-Studien (Germany)
Zeitschrift für praktische Philosophie (Germany)
Dois Pontos (Brazil)
Veritas (Brazil)
Civitas (Brazil)
Kriterion (Brazil)
Brazilian Review of Political Sciences / Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política (Brazil)
Educação (Brazil)
Sociologias (Brazil)
Praxis Filosófica (Colombia)
Agália (Spain)
February 2024: Instructor at the Seasonal School “ECLIRE – The Ethics of Climate Change” at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa
July 2022: Instructor at the Summer School of Critical Theory at the Humboldt University, Berlin
October 2021 to February 2022: Visiting Professor at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
September 2021 to present: Affiliate Professor at the DIRPOLIS Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa
October 2020 to July 2021: Visiting Professor at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (sponsored by DAAD)
January to June 2019: Senior Researcher at the Philosophical Institute of the Czech Academy of Science, Prague
April to June 2019: Visiting Professor at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
May 2018 to present: Member of the researchers’ team for the international research project “Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy, and Citizenship without Borders”, directed by Soraya Nour (Universidade de Lisboa) and sponsored by the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), Portugal
January 2018 to present: Local Coordinator of a EU H2020 MSCA RISE Project on “Kant in South America” together with the following institutions: University of Catania, London School of Economics, University of Lisbon, University of Halle, University of Buenos Aires, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Conicet (Argentina)
April to May 2018: Visiting Scholar at the University of Buenos Aires, on invitation from the local department of philosophy
July 2017: Instructor at the Summer School of Critical Theory at the Humboldt University, Berlin, on invitation by Rahel Jaeggi
April to August 2016: Visiting Professor at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (sponsored by DAAD)
August 2015 to March 2016: Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Political Science, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy.
June to July 2013: Visiting Professor at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
February 2010 to January 2011: Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
July 2004 to present: Professor for Ethics and Political Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
February-June 2004: Work at a research project on „Citizenship, Democracy, Globalization“, founded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung
June 2003-June 2004: Part-time lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter) at the Philosophisches Seminar of the University of Tübingen (Germany); Member of the Forschungsstelle für politische Philosophie of the University of Tübingen (Germany)
May-June 2003: Visiting Professor, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil
January-April 2003: Work at the own Habilitationsschrift with a funding from the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation (Germany)
June 2001 to December 2002: Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, Columbia University, New York
March-April 2001: Visiting Professor, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (“PUCRS”), Porto Alegre, Brazil
July 1997 to March 2001: Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter (Assistant Professor) (BATIIa/halb) at the Forschungsstelle “Politische Philosophie” under Prof. Otfried Höffe at the University of Tübingen (Germany)
2018: Support through the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation for the realization of a Humboldt-Kolleg on 70 Years of the UDHR and its effects on Latin American societies and through DWIH (Germany), Capes and CNPq (Brazil) for an International Symposium on “Globalization, Multiculturalism and Human Rights”, with guests from Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Italy, Germany, the USA and the Czech Republic.
2018: Fellowship from the AUGM (an association of South American universities called Grupo de Montevideo) for a short-term stay as Visiting Scholar at the UBA
2016: International Award “Karl-Otto Apel” for Philosophy
2015-2016: Visiting Scholar Fellowship from Capes (Brazil) to spend one year at the Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)
2014: Support through the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation for the realization of a Humboldt-Kolleg on the crisis of democracy (with guests from Germany, Argentina, and Brazil)
2013-2015: Support through Capes and Nuffic of the research project “Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals as Guidance in a Morally and Legally Complex World” in cooperation with Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (NL)
2013: Support through Capes for the realization of the V National Congress of the Brazilian Kant Society (with guests from Germany, USA, Poland, Spain, Argentina and Brazil)
2011: Support through Capes for the realization of the V International Symposium on Justice (with guests from Germany, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil)
2010-2011: Visiting Scholar Fellowship from Capes (Brazil) to spend one year at the Humboldt-University Berlin
2009-2010: Support through CNPq for the research project “Direito, política e moral em Kant” (Law, Politics, and Ethics in Kant)
2006 to present: Research Fellowship from the CNPq (Brazilian National Research Counsel)
2004: Research Fellowship from the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation
2001-2002: Feodor-Lynen-Scholarship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation
2000-2001: Support through the European Commision of the project “Euro-Conferences: Global Justice” (organized with Jean-Christophe Merle). Themes of the Conferences: (1) The normative requirements for particular agreements (7-10 December 2000, Tübingen, Germany); (2) The formation of a global public sphere (14-17 June 2001, Lyon, France); (3) Subsidiarity, federalism and democracy (6-9 December 2001, Florence, Italy)
1997-2000: Fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for a research on “Moralische Grundlagen der Demokratie” (Moral Grounds of Democracy)
1995-1997: Fellowship from the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg (Graduiertenförderung)
Leandro Cisneiros (2023): The Political Zapatismo and Critical Theory (Ph.D.)
Tiago Mendonça dos Santos (2023): The relation between capitalism and State according to Critical Theory (PhD)
Bárbara Buril (2022): Normative ideals of the good life in capitalism and social pathologies (PhD)
Nayara Barros (2022): The Critical Feminism of Nancy Fraser (Ph.D.)
Douglas Weege (2021): A Critique of Critical Theory: Amy Allen vs. Habermas and Honneth (PhD)
Marcelo Alves (2020): The Rebellion of Those Who Obey: Shakespeare and Hobbes (Ph. D.)
Marcone C. Cerqueira (2020): Machiavelli’s theory of action: an ethical-political perspective (Ph.D.)
Franco Rodriguez Migliarini (2019): Three Central Concept in Marx’s Thought: Value, Surplus Value, Ideology (Ph.D.)
Jordan M. Muniz (2018): Apresentative Democracy and the Brazilian Social Apartheid. A Critique of Political Equality (Ph.D.)
Nunzio Alì (2018): Economic Inequality and Proportionality: How Rich Should the 1% Be? (Ph.D.)
Evânia E. Reich (2017): The Tension between Religious Demands and Liberal Equal Rights (PhD)
Davi Silva (2017): Just War in Rawls’ Law of Peoples (PhD)
Amaro Fleck (2015): Theodor W. Adorno: A Critic in Capitalism’s Golden Age (PhD)
Cristina F. Consani (2013): The Paradox of Democracy and the Tension between Politics and Law (PhD)
Patricia Rosa (2013): Equality and Singularity in the Foundations of Ethics and Politics (PhD)
Idete Teles dos Santos (2012): On the Social Contract in Hobbes (PhD)
Leon Farhi Neto (2012): Political Spirituality: A View from Spinoza and Foucault (PhD)
Alexandre Lima (2011): The Concept of Economy in Aristotle and Marx (PhD)
Franciele B. Petry (2011): Beyond a Critique of Instrumental Reason (PhD)
Pau Bofill Sala (2021): Universal Basic Income: ethical concerns and feasibility (M. A.)
Pedro Paulo Martins (2021): On Nancy Fraser’s Criticism of Capitalism (M.A.)
Rafael José de Lemos (2021): Bakunin’s Critique of the State (M.A.)
Alessandra Formica (2019): Two Philosophical Analyses of Terrorism (M.A.)
Tiago Mendonça dos Santos (2018): Capabilities and Democracy in Amartya Sen: A Proposal Concerning Basic Functionings (M.A.)
Diana Piroli (2017): Institutional humiliation in Rawls, Nussbaum and Margalit (MA)
Evânia E. Reich (2012): Recognition in Hegel (MA)
Jordan M. Muniz (2012): Althusius and Hobbes on Representation (MA)
Marcel S. Dietzold (2012): Reason and the Individual: The Hegelian Attempt to Overcome the Philosophy of Subject (MA)
Amaro Fleck (2011): The Critique of Political Economy and its Consequences (MA)
Alberto P. Neto (2009): Jürgen Habermas’ Analysis of the Tension between Human Rights and Popular Sovereignty in Kant’s Doctrine of Right (MA)
Diogo Ramos (2009): The Concept of Work in Marx and Arendt (MA)
Andrei L. Lodea (2008): The Foundations of Morality in Habermas and Tugendhat (MA)
Elizabete Guerra (2008): The Space of the Political in Modernity according to Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt (MA)
Idete Teles (2008): Power, Passion and Corruption in the State according to Machiavelli and Montesquieu (MA)
Leandro M. Cisneiros (2007): Freedom in Kant as a political-philosophical project (MA)
Allan Cavalcante Liras Magalhães: Looking for a critical diagnosis of capitalism (PhD)
Gustavo Teixeira: The role of affects in social criticism (PhD)
Gabriel Rosa: The concept of “last philosophy” in Benjamin and Adorno (PhD)
Vitoria Sinimbu de Toledo: Critical Theory in Times of Neoliberalism (M.A.)
As the main investigator:
Decent Life and Decent Society (sponsored by CNPq)
As a team member:
Inequalities, privileges, and global justice (2023-2027; Project leader: Juan Carlos Velasco, CSIC Madrid; sponsored by the Ministério de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain)
Critique of Poverty as an Object of Social Philosophy (2023-2025; Project leader: Hélio A. Silva, UNESP; sponsored by Fapesp)
Bioethics, Distributive Justice, and Pandemics (2022-2024; Project leader: Darlei Dall’Agnol, UFSC; sponsored by CNPq)
Basic Needs and Intergenerational Climate Justice (2020-2024; Project leader: Lukas Meyer, University of Graz; sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund)
Challenges for the University System in a Globalized World (2019-2024; Project leader: Franciele Bete Petry, UFSC; sponsored by Capes/PRINT)
As coordenator or main investigator:
Systemic Suffering and Pervasive Doctrines (sponsored by CNPq)
A Critical Theory for the 21st Century (sponsored by CNPq)
Social Justice and Human needs (sponsored by CNPq)
Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals as Guidance in a Morally and Legally Complex World (sponsored by Capes and Nuffic) (with Th. Mertens, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Democratic Ethos and Citizen Ethos: A Conceptual Analysis (sponsored by CNPq and Capes)
Law, Politics, and Ethics in Kant (sponsored by CNPq)
Democracy, Constitution, and Democratic Ethos: A Dialogue between Past and Present (sponsored by CNPq)
As a team member:
Kant in South America – H2020 MCSA RISE (sponsored by the European REA)
Cosmopolitanism: Justice, Democracy, and Citizenship without Borders (sponsored by FCT, Portugal)
Borders, Democracy and Global Justice. Philosophical Arguments for Building a Cosmopolitan Space (sponsored by the Ministério de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain)
Kant and Hobbes: How to Behave in an Unjust or Tyrannical State (sponsored by CNPq) (with D. Dutra, D. Dall’Agnol, A. Barbieri Durão e M. C. Tonetto)
May 2004:
Habilitation (venia legendi) at the Philosophische Fakultät of the University of Tübingen; Habilitationsschrift (post-doctoral dissertation) on “An den Wurzeln moderner Demokratie. Bürger und Staat in der Neuzeit: Ein Blick auf vier Grundmodelle” (At the Roots of Modern Democracy. Citizen and State in Modern Time: A Look on Four Models), at the University of Tübingen, under the supervision of Prof. Otfried Höffe. Examiners: Prof. Dr. Otfried Höffe (Philosophisches Seminar), Prof. Dr. Anton Schindling (Historisches Seminar), Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hrbek (Institut für Politikwissenschaft), Dr. habill. Peter Rinderle (Humboldt-Universität Berlin). N.B.: Habilitation is a post-doctoral qualification required in Germany to be eligible for academic positions
July, 1997:
Ph.D. from the University of Tübingen (Germany). Dissertation: “Diskurs und Menschenrechte: Habermas’ Theorie der Rechte im Vergleich” (Discourse and Human Rights – Habermas’s Theory of Rights Compared), grade: magna cum laude (first examiner: Prof. O. Höffe, Tübingen, second examiner: Prof. R. Wimmer, Tübingen).
February, 1992:
“Laurea” in philosophy (in Italy this degree marks the end of university studies and is required for beginning Ph.D.); thesis: “La genesi del ‘Nuovo Pensiero’ di Franz Rosenzweig” (The Genesis of Franz Rosenzweig’s ‘New Thinking’). Examiners were M. Moneti (philosopher), B. Accarino (philosopher) and I. Zatelli (theologian), grade: 110 cum laude of 110. Institution: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence (Italy)
July, 1985:
Maturità classica (university entrance qualification), grade: 60 of 60. Institution: Collegio Alla Querce, Florence (Italy)
1. Books
2023: (editor with Luigi Caranti) Kant and the Problem of Morality. Rethinking the Contemporary World. Abingdon: Routledge.
2023: (editor with Luigi Caranti) Kant and the Problem of Politics. Rethinking the Contemporary World. Abingdon: Routledge.
2023: (editor with Luigi Caranti) Kant and the Problem of Knowledge. Rethinking the Contemporary World. Abingdon: Routledge
2019: (with Walquíria Leão Rego) Money, Autonomy and Citizenship. The Experience of the Brazilian Bolsa Família. Cham: Springer Verlag (translation of Vozes do Bolsa Família, see below).
2016: (editor with A. Faggion and N. Sanchez Madrid) Kant and Social Policies. London: Palgrave Macmillan
2013: (with Walquíria Leão Rego) Vozes do Bolsa Família. Dinheiro, Autonomia e Cidadania. São Paulo: Editora UNESP (2nd Edition: 2014)
2012: (editor with M. C. Tonetto) Critical Theory and Global Justice / Teoria Crítica e Justiça Global, Florianópolis, NEFIPO
2012: (editor with M. C. Tonetto and D. Dall’Agnol) Investigações Kantianas I: Um debate plural. Florianópolis, FUNJAB
2009: An den Wurzeln moderner Demokratie. Individuum und Staat in der Neuzeit: Ein Blick auf vier Grundmodelle, Berlin, Akademie Verlag
2007: Jürgen Habermas, München, Beck (portuguese translation: Habermas, Porto Alegre, Artmed, 2009)
2006: Ghirlande di fiori e catene di ferro. Istituzioni e virtù politiche in Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau e Kant, Firenze, Le Lettere
2004: (co-autor with M. Moneti Codignola) Diritto, politica e moralità in Kant, Milano, Bruno Mondadori
2004: Maquiavel e ‘O Príncipe’, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar Editor
1999: (editor with K.-J. Kuschel & M. Zillinger) Ein Ethos für eine Welt? Globalisierung als ethische Herausforderung, Frankfurt & New York, Campus
2. Articles and Chapters:
2023: Living honestly and killing honorably. Ehre and Ehrbarkeit in the Metaphysics of Morals. Studia Kantiana, 21, 19-31 (DOI: 10.5380/sk.v21i1.91537)
2023: Towards a Kantian Argument for a Universal Basic Income. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 26(2), 225-236 (DOI: 10.1007/s10677-022-10339-z)
2023: Poverty in Modern Philosophy. In: G. Schweiger; C. Sedmak (eds.) The Routledge Handbook Philosophy and Poverty. Abingdon: Routledge, 111-126.
2023: Clash of Narratives. The Neoliberal Systemic Doctrine as Cause of Second-Order Suffering. In: L. Quintana and N. Sanchez Madrid (eds.) Neoliberal Techniques of Social Suffering. Political Resistance and Critical Theory from Latin America and Spain. Lanham (MD): Lexington Books, 3-21.
2023: The Bolsonaro Government as Authoritarian Project. In: M. L. Borges; D. Dutra (eds.). Justice and Democracy in Brazil. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-17.
2022: (with Nunzio Alì) Taking Inequality Seriously. A Kantian View. In: L. Caranti; A. Pinzani (eds.) Kant and the Problem of Politics. Rethinking the Contemporary World, London: Routledge, 87-110 (DOI: 10.4324/9781003033837-5).
2022: Systemic Suffering as a Critical Tool. Dois Pontos, 19/1, 2022, 9-24 (DOI: 10.5380/dp.v19i1.86233)
2022: Who Needs Needs? Defining a Contested Concept. Lessico di Etica Pubblica 12/1, 91-105.
2022: Habermas and Capitalism. A Historic Overview. Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã, 27/2, 51-68 (DOI: 10.11606/issn.2318-9800.v27i2p.51-68)
2022: Empujados a los márgenes. Observaciones sobre las fronteras nacionales y de clase. Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofia, 87, 203-217 (DOI: 10.6018/daimon.526891)
2022: A Civic Ethics in Kant? in: M. Gensler, W. Kazimierska-Jerzyk, K. Kędziora (eds.). Practica et Speculativa. Studies Offered to professor Andrzej M. Kaniowski. Lodz: Lodz University Press, 527-541.
2022: Gemeinwohldenken in der Neuzeit. In: C. Hiebaum (ed.) Handbuch Gemeinwohl. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-21086-1_3-1)
2022: El misterio de la pobreza ¿Cómo puede una Doctrina Metafísica del Derecho ayudarnos a entender la realidad social? Con-Textos Kantianos, 15, 199-220 (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6591032)
2021: Witness for the Prosecution Can Kant’s Justification of Poverty Last in the Court of Reason? In: C. Serck-Hanssen; B. Himmelmann (eds.). The Court of Reason. Berlin: de Gruyter, vol. I, 209-226 (DOI: 10.1515/9783110701357-018)
2021: Innere und äußere Pflichten, innere und äußere Handlungen. Das schwierige Verhältnis von Rechts- und Tugendpflichten in der Metaphysik der Sitten. In: Carola Freiin von Villiez; Jean-Christophe Merle (Hrsg.). Kants Metaphysik der Sitten. Der Zusammenhang von Recht- und Tugendlehre. Berlin: de Gruyter, 247-261 (DOI: 10.1515/9783110537215-015)
2021: Wie kann äußere Freiheit ein angeborenes Recht sein? In: Carola Freiin von Villiez; Jean-Christophe Merle (Hrsg.). Kants Metaphysik der Sitten. Der Zusammenhang von Recht- und Tugendlehre. Berlin: de Gruyter, 79-94 (DOI: 10.1515/9783110537215-006)
2021: Bedürfnisse und Armut. In: G. Schweiger; C. Sedmak (Hrsg.). Handbuch Philosophie und Armut. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler Verlag, 27-33 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-476-05740-2_4)
2021: Autonomie und Armut. In: G. Schweiger; C. Sedmak (Hrsg.). Handbuch Philosophie und Armut. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler Verlag, 264-269 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-476-05740-2_36).
2021: Liberté, inégalite, égoïsme. Distrust and lack of solidarity as threats to contemporary democracy. Lessico di Etica Pubblica, 12(2), 45-58.
2021: Do We Need a Metaphysics of Morals? On the actuality of Kant’s project of grounding a priori practical principles. Dialogue and Universalism, 31(3), 249-264. (DOI: 10.5840/du202131355)
2021: (with Bárbara Buril) For an Immanent Critique of Neoliberalism as a Form of Life. ethic@, 20(1): 362-386 (DOI: 10.5007/1677-2954.2021.e79812)
2020: Frankenstein e a vanguarda moral. Do império do direito ao domínio do judiciário. Dois Pontos, 17(2), 11-23 (DOI: 10.5380/dp.v17i2.73344)
2020: Migración, pobreza y estigma social. Bajo Palabra, 23, 239-260 (DOI: 10.15366/BP2020.23.009).
2020: Pandemie v Jižní Americe: politické a sociální konsekvence. Philosophica Critica. 6(1), 127-139 (DOI: 10.17846/PC.2020.6.1.127-139)
2020: Apel sobre a origem da moral. ethic@, 19(3), 553-567 (DOI: 10.5007/1677-2954.2020v19n3p553).
2020: Redistribution, Misrecognition, Domination. In: D. Celentano; L. Caranti (eds.). Paradigms of Justice: Redistribution, Recognition, and Beyond. Abingdon: Routledge, 46-64 (DOI: 10.4324/9781003099932-5).
2020: Donatello e Masaccio republicanos, Botticelli cortesão? Arte e representação na Florença do século XV. In: A. Fávero, J. Paviani, R. Rajobac (orgs.). Vínculos filosóficos. Caxias: EDUCS, 271-284.
2019: Migration and Social Suffering. In: J. C. Velasco, M. C. La Barbera (eds.). Challenging the Borders of Justice in the Age of Migrations. Cham: Springer, 139-156.
2019: Diskurs und menschliche Evolution. Topologik. 26, 108-117.
2019: Neoliberalismo como doctrina ética. Erasmus, 21/1-2, 137-156
2019: Critique of Forms of Life or Critique of Pervasive Doctrines? Critical Horizons, 20
2019: The Grammar of Rights and the Grammar of Needs. Human Affairs, 29, 328-338
2018: Is a Kantian Foundation of Human Rights Possible (and Desirable)? Studi Kantiani, 31, 167-172
2018: The New Millenarianism. On the End of the World and of Capitalism as We Know Them, Civitas, 18/3, 539-562
2018: Recht der Menschheit und Menschenrechte. In: R. Mosayebi (Hrsg.). Kant und die Menschenrechte. Berlin: de Gruyter, 217-238.
2017: Beati Possidentes? Kant on Inequality and Poverty. ethic@, 16/3, 475-492
2017: Teoria política tradicional e Teoria Crítica. Lua Nova, 102, 57-91.
2017: Gibt es eine ethische Pflicht, äußerlich frei zu sein?. In: Bernd Dörflinger, Dieter Hüning, Günter Kruck (Hg.). Das Verhältnis von Recht und Moral in Kants praktischer Philosophie. Hildesheim: Olms, 171-190.
2017: ¿Tenemos el deber de manipular genéticamente a nuestros hijos?. In: S. Truccone (org). Justicia intergeneracional. Ensayos desde el pensamiento de Lukas H. Meyer. Cordoba: Editorial de la UNC, 137-166
2016: (with Walquíria Leão Rego) Money, Autonomy, Citizenship. Effects of the Programa Bolsa Família on Its Participants. In: Philosophy and Public Issues, 6/3, 115-159.
2016: (with Nuria Sanchez Madrid) The State Looks Down. Some Reassesments of Kant’s Appraisal of Citizenship. In: Alessandro Pinzani, Andrea Faggion and Nuria Sanchez Madrid (eds). Kant and Social Policies, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 25-47.
2016: Pobreza. In: Oscar Pérez de la Fuente, Guillermo Lariguet, Hugo Seleme, René González de la Vega (orgs.). Democracia. Perspectivas jurídicas, morales y políticas. Buenos Aires: Euro Editores, 55-122.
2016: Farewell to Welfare. An End to Citizenship as We Know It. In: SocietàMutamentoPolítica, 7/13, 119-137.
2015: (with Denilson L. Werle) Die Vermögen der Bürger und ihre Darstellung. In: O. Höffe (Hg.). John Rawls: Politischer Liberalismus (Klassiker Auslegen). Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 63-78
2015: Between the Natural and the Artificial. Habermas (and Kant) on Eugenics. In: Darlei Dall’Agnol; Milene Tonetto (eds.): Morality and Life. Kantian Perspectives in Bioethics. Pisa: ETS, 147-164
2015: Minimal Income as Basic Condition for Autonomy. In: N. De Oliveira, M. Hrubec, E. Sobottka, G. Saavedra (eds.). Justice and Recognition. On Axel Honneth and Critical Theory. Porto Alegre; Prague: PUCRS; Filosofia, 223-238
2014: Zwischen Wut und Resignation. Politische Apathie, negativer Aktivismus und technokratischer Diskurs. In: Andre Brodocz; Dietrich Hermann; Rainer Schmidt; Daniel Schulz; Julia Schulze Wessel (Hrsg.): Die Verfassung des Politischen. Festschrift für Hans Vorländer. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 133-156
2014: (In)justice and Morality. A commentary on Christoph Horn. In: ethic@, 13/1, 18-26.
2014: O colecionador de mariposas. Arte, morte, coleção. In: Patrícia Peterle; Andrea Santurbano; Maria Aparecida Barbosa. (Org.). Coleções literárias. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2014, v. 1, p. 119-126.
2013: (with Cristina F. Consani) Jefferson vs. Madison Revised in: Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics. Bd. 21: Das Rechtsstaatsprinzip / The Rule of Law-Principle, 111-132.
2013: In the beginning was the deed. On the origin of property and society in Rousseau and Kant, in: Estudos Kantianos, I/2, 11-24
2013: Religion bei Machiavelli. In: D. Brantl / R. Geiger / St. Herzberg (Hg.) Religion und Politik. Klassische Modelle von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin: Akademie, 91-104.
2013: Politische Tugenden bei Hobbes. In: H. Vorländer (Hg.). Demokratie und Transzendenz. Die Begründung politischer Ordnungen. Bielefeld: transcript verlag, 217-245.
2013: Os paradoxos da liberdade. In: R. Melo (org.) Ensaios sobre Honneth. São Paulo: Saraiva, 293-315.
2013: Democracia versus tecnocracia. Apatia e participação em sociedades complexas. In: Lua Nova. Revista de cultura e política, nº 89, 135-168.
2012: Licença para matar. In: A. Pinzani / M. C. Tonetto / D. Dall’Agnol (orgs.) Investigações Kantianas I: Um debate plural. Florianópolis, FUNJAB, 65-77.
2012: Justiça social e carências. In: A. Pinzani / M. C. Tonetto (orgs.). Critical Theory and Global Justice / Teoria Crítica e Justiça Global, Florianópolis, NEFIPO, 133-159
2012: Grundbedürfnisse als Handlungsgründe. In: J. Nida-Rümelin / E. Özmen (Hg.). Welt der Gründe. Hamburg: Meiner, 633-651.
2012: Doch ein Republikaner? Ein Blick in die anderen politischen Schriften Machiavellis. In: O. Höffe (Hg.). Niccolò Machiavelli: Der Fürst (Klassiker Auslegen). Berlin: Akademie, 161-178.
2012: Sobre a Terceira Antinomia. In: J. Klein (org.). Comentários às obras de Kant: Crítica da Razão Pura. Florianopolis: Nefipo, 561-590
2012: Produção de massa, produção da massa. In: M. A. Barbosa / M. H. Marsal / P. Peterle (orgs.). Literatura de vanguarda e política – o século rivisitado. Niterói: Comunitá, 147-166.
2012: Teoria Crítica e justiça social. In: Civitas, 12, 88-106.
2011: Botanische Anthropologie und physikalische Staatslehre. Zum 5. und 6. Satz der Idee. In: O. Höffe (Hg.). Immanuel Kant: Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie (Klassiker Auslegen). Berlin: Akademie, 63-78.
2011: Chi è il soggetto della Dottrina del diritto?. In: V. Rocco Lozano / M. Sgarbi (eds.). Diritto e storia in Kant e Hegel. Trento: Verifiche, 35-52.
2011: Da pessoa ao indivíduo. O lugar sistemático do sujeito na seção “Moralidade” da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel. In: A. Fleck / D. Ramos (Org.). A racionalidade do real. Estudos sobre a filosofia hegeliana do direito. Florianopolis: Nefipo, 59-80.
2011: Alienados e culpados. Os cidadãos no republicanismo contemporâneo. In: ethic@. An International Journal for Moral Philosophy, 9/2, 267-288.
2010: Minimal Income as Basic Condition for Autonomy, in: Veritas, 55/1, 9-20.
2010: El debate sobre la inmigración como discurso ontológico-político, in: Arbor, 744, 513-530.
2009: Democratic Constitutions and Education to Freedom, in: Civitas, 9/3, 472-495.
2009: (with Otfried Höffe) Von Weber zu Kant. Habermas’ Wiederentdeckung der Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie, in: G. Schaal (Hg.), Das Staatsverständnis von Jürgen Habermas, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 43-58
2009: Reconhecimento e solidariedade, in: ethic@, 8/3, 2009, 101-113 (
2009: Despolitização e crítica social. Cinco teses. In: A. Storck / W. B. Lisboa (Org.). Norma, moralidade e interpretação: temas de filosofia política e do direito. Porto Alegre: Linus Editores, 124-134
2008: Kant on Sovereignty, in: Kant e-prints, Série 2, Vol. 3/2, 2009/1, 229-236 (
2008: Representation in Kant’s Political Theory, in: J. Joerden / S. Byrd / J. Hruschka (Hrgs.), Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik 16, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 203-226
2005: “It’s the power, stupid!” On the Unmentioned Precondition of Social Justice, in: A. Føllesdal / Th. Pogge (eds.), Real World Justice. Grounds, Principles, Human Rights, and Social Institutions, Dordrecht, Springer, 2005, 171-197
2005: Der systematische Stellenwert der pseudo-ulpianischen Regel in Kants Rechtslehre, in: Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, 59, I/2005, 71-94
2005: Gobierno de las leyes y/o gobierno de los ciudadanos. ¿Hay incompatibilidad entre republicanismo y democracia liberal?, in: Isegoria, 33, diciembre 2005, 77-97.
2005: O natural e o artificial. Argumentos morais e políticos contra a eugenia liberal seguindo Habermas e Foucault, in: Ethic@, 4/3, 2005, 361-377 (
2004: Patrioti o diavoli? Sovranità nazionale e diritti individuali tra repubblicanesimo e liberalismo, in: Fenomenologia e società, XVII, 1/2004, 68-100
2003: The contrabassist and the CEO. Moral Judgement and Collective Identity, in: Etic@, 2/2, 120-136 (
2003: L’equivoco della governance, in: Iride, XVI/40, 555-566
2003: Brauchen wir Bürgertugenden oder demokratischere Institutionen? in: Berliner Debatte Initial, 14/1, 34-44
2002: Selbstbestimmung und Sezessionsrecht, in: St. Gosepath / J.-Ch. Merle (Hg.), Weltrepublik. Globalisierung und Demokratie, München, Beck, 255-265
2000: Demokratisierung als Aufgabe. Läßt sich Globalisierung demokratisch gestalten?, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B 33-34/00, 32-38
2000: (with J.-Ch. Merle) Rechtfertigung und Modalitäten eines Rechts auf humanitäre Intervention, in: S+F Vierteljahresschrift für Sicherheit und Frieden, 18/1, 71-75
1999: Das Völkerrecht (§§ 53-61), in: O. Höffe (Hg.), I. Kant, Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre, Reihe Klassiker Auslegen, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 235-255
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